Behavior and life

StormCats are generally curious and social creatures, with an intelligence equivalent to a human teenager.

Most StormCats can be found living in large tribal groups, or they can live a more solitary lifestyle, depending on individuals. They can imitate the sounds of things they find interesting, like the sounds of other animals.

StormCats are empathetic by nature and are emotionally sensitive, they can become attached to things they like or find appealing, it could be a human, an animal, a place, an object and even their own kind. if attached to a human they may follow that human and even become friends with them until the human dies.

StormCats are very loyal creatures, they may follow a human wherever they go.

Unable to follow the human after death, a StormCat may become depressed or aggressive, with feelings of sadness, anger and even hatred. A StormCat may create severe storms and bring great disaster upon the world which they inhabit, striking fear and terror into other beings. It's possible for a human to have up to five StormCats following them until death.

StormCats are mostly kind, loving and gentle creatures, but can also have the nastiest temperament. If threatened they will do what most other cats would do, they may puff out their fur, arch their back or stand up on their hind legs, making themselves look bigger, with deep growls and loud hissing to warn off the threat.  

Preferring to avoid conflict, if the threat does not leave,

the StormCat will lower its body, in pounce or charging stance, with increased hissing and loud sharp barking or roaring. Most StormCats may only attack if provoked, and prefer to use their powers as a last resort, and for means of defense rather than attack.

Most aggressive StormCats are likely from the Underworld,

where they reside corrupted, broken or even posessed by "Thanatos," the evil Kodai. These StormCats likely fell into the Underworld or were drawn in by the dark energies that consumed them, they are called "Dark StormCats."

One can tell this by the presence of red eyes and the amount of black on their coats. They tend to be very contentious and destructive. They feed on fear, anger, hatred, and dark negative energy, they are capable of possessing dark energy themselves. Most Dark StormCats may try to avoid contact with humans and stay away from them all together. 

StormCats are ageless and immortal, this means they cannot die from natural causes such as old age and disease.

If a StormCat suffers a severe injury or has taken a devastating amount of damage in a fight, It will heal fast, but depending on the injury, they could die from loss of blood or energy needed to heal. The soul spark inside their heart gives stormCats immortality and allows for regeneration, if the soul spark is struck or something happens to it, a StormCat could loose immortality and may eventually die. A legend says that when a StormCat dies, their soul spark will leave the body and rise up beyond the realm of Paradise and become a star. The StormCats themselves believe it is how they become one with the universe.

StormCats have no universal sound or language of their own for means of communication through speech. Some will meow and purr, others may chirp like a bird or bark like a dog, some may even be capable of speaking fluently in human language. StormCats have a wide range of vocabulary. If a StormCat finds a sound appealing, it will likely stick with that sound. But just like all other creatures, StormCats can understand each other through body language.