Anatomy & Traits

The StormCats are a unique species who's anatomy is similar to a cheetah. They are athletic creatures, built for speed. However, if a cheetah were to stand next to a StormCat, they would look very different from each other. There are many different types of StormCats, as they are considered a "phoenotype species." Ranging in size and shape,

they can be as small as a domestic cat or as big as a bus. A StormCat can be remarkably different from another, but there are many traits that are shared by all members of the species.

* Cheetah-like Anatomy

* Long Ears.

* Long Tail.

* Wind Feathers

* Hand-like Paws

* Fur Coat

* No genitalia 

There are many different types of tails that a StormCat can have. Most are very long and furry tails that serve as rudders for steering and making sharp turns while running. Most tails have manes or wind feathers at the tip, to help with batting away pesky bugs. Some tails may have or fins for swimming or spikes for fighting. Some tails may even have a unique tip that glows in the dark, or can reflect light.

Fortunately, if a tail is cut off at any length, it will grow back over time, like a lizard tail.

Some notable features of the StormCat species are the digitigraded hind legs, with five-toed feet, the hind legs are longer than the front legs. The front paws are more hand-like with five fingers, including thumbs.

A StormCat's claws are non-retractable and serve the same purpose as spikes or cleats on an athlete's shoes, for grip while running at high speed. The claws may also be used as weapons for fighting or grabbing prey while hunting.

Some StormCats may possess whiskers, horns or spikes, mainly for display but also for fighting.

they can be of any size length and shape

depending on individuals and environmental


Powers and Abilities

StormCats are one of the most powerful beings in the universe. There is a seemingly endless list of different powers, each with their own set of skills and abilities, However the type of power is limited to what a StormCat can possess, it is also impossible for one to resonate opposing powers, such as fire and water. 

An individual StormCat can only wield up to three powers.

Types of Powers:

 Spiritual Powers

* Telekinesis (push/Pull)

* Telepathy

* Foresight

* Invisability

* Optical Illusion

* Levitation (hover/float)

* Phantom (spirit/ghost)

Elemental Powers

* Pyrokinesis (fire) 

* Hydrokinesis (water/ice)

* Turbokinesis (air/wind)

* Fernokinesis (plants)

* Terrakinesis (rock/metal)

* Electrokinesis (lightning/storm)

* Astrokinesis (celestial)

* Biokinesis (life/death)

Supernatural Abilities

* Empathy

* Psychic

* Super Speed

* Super Strength

* Flight

* Stealth

* Teleportation

* Gravity

skeleton of a StormCat

StormCats are naturally gifted with speed, as they are built for running,

However, this gift of superior power comes with a price, the ability to harness super speed is greatly limited according to individuals, and takes great physical strength and energy to run for long periods of time. Only truly gifted StormCats have the ability to harness super speed in its true power, able to run faster and for longer without tiring.

The notable 'Digitegrade' stance in a StormCat's hindlegs

is best represented in the image above, columns D & E

Hand Paws by Catsudon