External Features

Skin and Fur

The skin of a StormCat can be plain or display markings depending on the individual. Across nearly the entire body, the skin is thick and facilitates fur growth for protection against the outside elements. The skin is very sensitive to touch, clusters of nerves can twitch, able raise and lower areas of fur.

Fur texture, thickness, length and color pattern depends on the individual. Many StormCats sport long thick manes on their heads and down the back of their neck and sometimes down the middle of their chest. Some may sport thick lion-like manes for protection of the neck while fighting, others may have thick winter coats that protect from the cold and may shed with the change of seasons.

Oil secreted from glands has antimicrobial properties which keep the skin clean, and repels water away from the fur. Like felines, a StormCat may occasionally clean its fur by brushing with its long tongue.  


The paws on all four legs have elongated toes tipped with sharp none-retractable claws. The paw pads on most cats are soft, but a StormCat's paw pads are hard like the rubber on a car tire, this helps the StormCat grip the ground while running fast. The front paws are more hand-like with five fingers including thumbs. The back paws also have five toes.


StormCat's have long pointy ears, sometimes tipped with fur tufts as well, the ears are very sensitive to touch and the outside temperature, they give the StormCat acute hearing, able to detect the faintest of sounds from long distances.

Wind Feathers
The one key feature in identifying StormCats is their long trailing wind feathers. The wind feather is a unique structure that can be of any length and is quite flexible.

The wind feathers are sensative to the change of the wind or air currents, allowing the StormCat to essentially "feel" the world around them, they can feel the presence of other beings and sense their movements.